Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chasing Rainbows


I didn't know she'd be passing through...
she arrived at the most perfect time.

In her backpack, she brought
healing herbs,
healing powers,
healing light.
She warmly shared her gifts with all those
who would agree,
she arrived at the most perfect time.

She did not know we would need her so,
but we did more than she will ever know.
Because of her we have LIFE!
A more beautiful life than before.

And as perfectly as she arrived, she as swiftly must go.
To bring her light to others who love and need her.

Though she rolls up her bedding, and heads for higher mountains,
her light will remain here forever.

We hope she will pass through again.
Until then we will wait... for the next lovely traveler.


I had to say a teary-eyed so long today to one of the wonderful nurses who has cared for me throughout my chemo, which by the way... I only have one more round of!  Unfortunately for us, she is a traveling nurse and she is now on her way to new adventures, and new patients... but we are so lucky to have had her here, (at the most perfect time), and we know she will bring light wherever life takes her.  She always knew the perfect thing to say, and her voice got me through many needles and difficult moments... even when she wasn't there.  "Don't get yourself more worried than you need to be sweetheart", she would say..."it only makes it harder".  I paraphrase, but I can't tell you how many times those words get me through.  Somehow she knew just the words I needed to hear, and now somehow I feel stronger. I am lucky to have so many other wonderful nurses as I continue my journey, but the warmth of this traveler's voice will never be far when I need it.

I made this little book mark for her, of leather, wooden beads, and paint.  It was inspired by a pair of Eeyore scrubs she wore that always made me smile.  They said, "I'm always chasing rainbows".  

Thank you to all my caregivers.

love, e

p.s.  No... my hair has not magically grown back long, awesome and straight.  (darn it!)  This is my awesome wig, from Tonkin's Wigs in Waterbury, CT.   (-:


  1. She sounds like a wonderful nurse and friend! The bookmark is great. Wish you had a picture of the Eeyore scrubs! Ha!

  2. Hi David, Thank you so much! Yes, she certainly is wonderful... she had the scrubs on the day before we took the pic. Oh well! I even tried googling them and can't find them anywhere. (-: Thank you so much for following. I really enjoy your blog and photography!
